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Our Process

Our procedure has been developed, tweaked and polished to a high standard for a long time. The core of our process is to develop a true understanding of your organization and your mission.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Grasping the nuances of client operations, management and culture.


  • Outlining all responsibilities, employee characteristics, and qualifications required for the role.


With these key attributes identified, we then   develop an aggressive action plan, formulate a timeline, and determine what sources are required to execute the plan to its full potential. This includes:

  • Stipulating milestones and devising client contact frequency. This will include, for example, weekly status reports and weekly or bi-weekly conference calls, always at your convenience.


  • Creating an employer value proposition.


  • Constructing unique strategies to attract and engage the best candidate.


  • Developing a list of target companies through research, team insights, and technology.


  • Generating a comprehensive list of 100 verified potential candidates within 5 business days.


  • Establishing a target of 200 contacts within 3 weeks of launching the search.


In order to identify and evaluate candidates, we will conduct an exhaustive search of the marketplace. Using our research resources, professional networks, referrals, and databases, we can identify the most suitable candidates and review resumes.

Once we reach the interview stage of the action plan, we carefully determine suitability, by assessing the accomplishments, capabilities, and values of each candidate.

By this stage, we have narrowed down our exhaustive search to a pool of great talent who have proceeded past the initial interview. We then work with you too:

  • Arrange a series of meetings between the client and the lead runners.


  • Assist in selecting the best candidate.


  • Execute full reference checks.


  • Assist with negotiations, leading to salary/package agreement and acceptance.

By this final stage of the process, the candidate is now an employee.

Allowing 30 days for your new employee to settle in, we conduct follow-up calls with them and you to ensure a smooth transition – with an additional follow up after 60 and 90 days.

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